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Guidelines for Training


1. Respect our Soke, Masaaki Hatsumi, our Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue, your school’s senior instructor, Shidoshi Eric Wolford and all other Bujinkan licensed instructors for their teachings as handed down by Soke. Respect yourself as well. If this is not done we will assume you will not respect the teaching either and thus ends our common goals and association together.  If you have an issue with a teacher, bring your concern directly to them.  Do not speak negative to other students about your teachers or each other.  We do not participate in drama. This could result in an immediate dismissal from the dojo. 


2.  On the training floor, it does not matter whether you are republican or democrat, gay or straight, black or white or where you stand on social and civil issues of the day.  Here, we are all equal.  The only time it is acceptable to discuss any of these things is if it pertains to self defense outside of the Dojo. 


3.  You are an ambassador of The Kazoku Dojo, The Bujinkan and their teachers.  Remember always that you represent the spirit of these things when you post on social media or present yourself in public.  Your words, your actions and how you treat others will come to light.  Be kind.  Be good to others.  Always represent well.  


4. Each member is responsible for creating a positive atmosphere of harmony and respect. Speak with good purpose about everyone including yourself. Support your friends by sharing your knowledge, not your ego. 


5. Be willing to do whatever it takes to excel in your martial arts studies. Our goal is to get to mastery level and for you to have that goal for yourself. 


6. It is your responsibility to cause no injury. You must protect your training partner, then yourself. Sprains, bruises, aches and pains are a part of the process, but serious injury can be avoided by checking ego before coming onto the mats. In the event of an injury, inform the Sensei or Senior Student immediately. 


7. The Kazoku Dojo operates in a manner following the natural laws of proper conduct. It’s spirit comes directly from Soke Hatsumi and Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue and it is a place for the succession of their teachings. It is each member’s responsibility to honor and sincerely follow these teachings. 


8. A few minutes before time for training to begin, you should be warmed up, seated in fudoza and in quiet meditation. Use this time to rid your mind of the day’s problems and prepare for study.  This time of training is extremely important not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.  It is here that we cast away our daily troubles and focus on ourselves and each other. 


9. If you have prior experience with the technique being studied and are working with someone who does not, you may lead them through it physically, but DO NOT attempt to correct or instruct your training partner if you do not hold teacher status (Shidoshi-ho, Shidoshi, Shihan). 


10. Respect those more experienced than yourself. Never argue about or compare technique. You are all studying the same principles so be careful not to pressure your interpretation onto it. There are many points of view as well as viewing points so learn every application many ways. 


11. Jewelry, including watches and bracelets should be removed before entering the training area. Wear a clean Gi with the proper patches and stars. 


12. If you are unsure about what to do in a particular situation, please ask or simply follow along. Although there may seem to be many forms of etiquette to remember, they will come naturally as you continue to study. Please do not be resentful if you are corrected on a point of etiquette for each one is important to your safety and to the learning experience. 


13.  Participation is key to a successful and fulfilling walk in your Budo.  Life happens.  Things come up.  However, there should be a consistent effort to be present for each and every class.   Injuries:  If you are injured, you would still be expected to come to class so you can observe and take notes.  Of course this depends on the extent of your injuries.  Much can be gained by observing.  Your teacher will not forget your dedication. 


14.  Remember that you are all in this together.  There will be times throughout your journey where you may be surpassed by peers in rank for many reasons.  If this happens, try not to get discouraged.  Support your friends and continue to grow.  Your time will come. 


15.  Each student is responsible for many things regarding the Dojo and your teachers.  Giri (the sacrifice of the student for their school or teacher) has many facets.  Among them is supporting your school and teachers for special events by being present and being available for whatever help your school or teacher needs.   There are events that are required.  Remember that younger students and students of lesser rank are always looking up to you.  Your involvement is important to your Budo Family. 


16.  Soji is the ritual cleaning and upkeep of the Dojo.  The responsibility of the Dojo-cho (manager) is to distribute duties as he/she sees fit.  Usually the lowest ranked students clean, but ALL students should participate.  These duties include but are not limited to sanitizing the training area, running the vacuum, taking out trash and things of this nature. This is YOUR school.  No one should have to tell you to keep it clean and in good repair. 
17.  As in decades past, let’s use proper hygiene and common sense regarding Cold & Flu viruses.  It is good practice to wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water.  Do not use hand sanitizer excessively.  How you care for yourself is at your discretion, but take care to use vitamins and supplements, get plenty of rest and drink lots of healthy water. 
As a general rule, if you are sick and show symptoms, STAY HOME.  If you do not have symptoms, you should come to class.  If you can go to work, school or anywhere else where there are people…you can come to class.  See Number 13. 

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